A modern

This is a bourbon for life. For afternoon relaxations and late night conversations, we raise a glass to all of it and then some.

Off Hours Bourbon Whiskey
Off Hours Bourbon Whiskey

Tasting Notes

Smooth and balanced with hints of vanilla, nutmeg and toasted pecans, Off Hours Bourbon has rich notes of cinnamon with a silky finish.

Made for the moments in between

Off Hours Bourbon is meant to engage our senses and change perceptions. It’s not about preconceived notions of artisanal cocktails and dimly lit bars. It’s for everyone, everywhere.

Jake Ireland
Off Hours Bourbon Whiskey

So cheers to more inspiration. More real-life connections. More easygoing hangs, and less expectations. More time outdoors, less time behind our screens. After a long week or just because. Find the time and the moments in between. Find them with us in the Off Hours.

Jake Ireland

Cocktail Recipes

Rye Old Fashioned

2 oz Off Hours Rye Whiskey
2 Dashes of Angostura bitters
Orange slice for garnish

Pour Rye Whiskey into a glass over ice. Add bitters and an orange slice for garnish.

Spirits never rest

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